Net Zero by 2040
- This scheme is helping us achieve net zero emissions by 2040.
- We aim to produce or host three times the amount of renewable energy to the electricity we use by 2030.
- We’re contributing more widely to Scotland’s carbon emissions targets.
- Green hydro energy plays a vital role in tackling the climate change emergency.

Energy Team
Patrick Stakim, a project manager for Scottish Water’s energy team, said: “This technology at Lower Glendevon Reservoir is a great example of how Scottish Water is working hard to protect the environment by working with other agencies to generate green power. “Treating water is an energy intensive process and with Scottish Water’s carbon footprint dominated by electricity at around 69%, natural resources are being put to good use here to help off-set the amount of electricity we use.”

Support From Scottish Renewables
Cara Dalziel, Policy Manager at Scottish Renewables, said: “Hydro provides around a fifth of Scotland’s renewable electricity and is key not just to meeting our stretching climate targets and tackling the climate emergency, but also to supporting the financial viability of rural businesses and to developing the smart, local energy systems we need for the future.
“It is fantastic to see Scottish Water utilising this renewable energy technology as part of its commitment to reducing carbon emissions.”
Energy Usage
- We are one of the biggest users of electricity in the country.
- We consume about 440 Gigawatt hours (GWh) per year of grid electricity.
- We have 37 operational turbines located on 25 different sites to help off-set our energy usage.
- With an installed capacity of 7.2 Megawatts (MW), these have a design generation of 40.19 GWh per annum.